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About Cindy

Cindy loves working with numbers and calculations when helping small to medium-sized business with their bookkeeping and financial needs. Her passion is driven by the fact that she wants to make sure that businesses stay on track with running what matters most – their business!

As a business owner herself, Cindy knows the importance of running a business smoothly day to day. Taking all the Bookkeeping tasks out of a business owners hands is the biggest reason why she loves what she does. Your search ends right here! Cindy will take the worry and headache of tracking expenses and income so they are free to fulfill their business goals.

Cindy’s Passion for Bookkeeping and Financial services first began when she worked for many small and med sized business for 34+ years. She started as an office manager in the medical field, construction industry and real estate and learned bookkeeping on the job throughout her journey. In addition, Financial reports are a big part of Bookkeeping and the benefit is so that a business knows the true health of their business and where their money is going. Taking this off a business owner’s hands frees them up to grow and continue to be creative in this competitive environment.

Cindy has been married to her husband for 38 years and has 3 daughters and now has 5 wonderful grand babies! Running a business herself and keeping up with her growing family is a full-time job.

Whether you need Bookkeeping, Financial Planning, Payroll, Accounting & Taxes or Asset Management, Give Cindy a Call to get started. Don’t forget to check out her Reviews to see what her legacy long-time clients have to say.

Schedule a Free Consultation Today!